Speaking Date in Korean / 매일, 매주, 매년

Do you know how to say 'every day' in Korean?

매일 [Maeil]
Every day


As it's the Sino-Korean word, each letter has its own meaning.
매每 means 'every' and 일日 means 'day'.
This is how 매일 means 'every day' in Korean.

You can do likewise to say 'every week' or 'every month'

매每 + 주週 week = 매주 [Maeju] every week
매每 + 월月 month = 매월 [Maewol] every month
매每 + 년年 year = 매년 [Maenyeon] every year


나는 매일 일기를 쓴다.
I keep a diary every day.

매일 식후 두 알씩 드세요.
Take two pills daily after meals.

이 잡지는 매주 발행된다.
This magazine is published every week.

이 프로그램은 매주 일요일에 방영된다.
This program airs every Sunday.

매월 1일은 정기휴일이다.
We close on the first day of every month.

매년 수천 헥타르의 숲이 파괴된다.
Thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed every year.


  1. Your blog is very helpful! I was wondering if you could maybe show me and the subscribers how to form sentences in Korean! And past, present, and future tenses! Thx very much

    1. I will keep that in my mind! Thank you for suggestion :)


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