How to call SISTERS in Korean / 자매, 형제, 남매
Do you know what 형제 and 자매 mean?
They are both 'siblings' in Korean
but have each different usage by sex.
자매 means
'siblings who are all females'
'older sister(s) and younger sister(s)'
형제 means
'siblings who are all males'
'older brother(s) and younger brother(s)'
And they come together like 형제자매
to refer to 'brother(s) and sister(s)'.
There's also a word to say
'the siblings who are female and male'
in Korean, 남매.
Here's a list of vocabulary about siblings.
형제 brothers
자매 sisters
남매 brother(s) and sister(s)
동생 younger sibling
여동생 female younger sibling
남동생 male younger sibling
누나 older sister of a man
언니 older sister of a woman
형 older brother of a man
오빠 older brother of a woman
Then, shall we check their usage in a conversation?
형제자매가 있어요? Do you have any siblings?
제가 얘기 안 했어요? Didn't I tell you?
저는 수지와 자매예요. Suji and I are sisters.
몰랐어요! I didn't know that!
혹시 수지의 친구, 도연이를 알아요? Do you know Doyeon, Suji's friend?
당연히 알죠. Of course, I know her.
도연이가 저희 집에 자주 놀러와요. Doyeon often comes to hang out in my house.
도연이가 제 여동생이에요. Doyeon is my younger sister.
정말요? Really?
둘이 남매인 줄 전혀 몰랐어요. I had no idea you guys were siblings.
세상 좁네요! What a small world!
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