Future Tense with Strong Will or Commitment : -(으)ㄹ게요


is a pattern for the future tense and is used to speak your strong will or commitment.

As it's talking about someone's will, only 'I' can be the subject of '-(으)ㄹ 게요' and there must be a listener that you are giving a promise.

*To speak it casually in 반말(low form), drop the 요 ending. 

For example, 

one of your friends is moving place and asking for help from you.

A: 이번 주말에 나 이사하는데, 도와줄 수 있어?
    I'm moving this weekend, can you help me?

B: 그럼! 내가 도와줄게.
   Sure! I'll help you.

Conjugation Rule

 VERB + ㄹ게요    When there is no 받침    가다 → 갈게요
 VERB + 을게요 When there is a 받침 먹다 → 먹을게요   
 VERB + 게요 When there is ㄹ 받침 팔다 → 팔게요 


1. Only the first person(I) can be the subject.

2. There must be a listener and the action of the subject must be related to the listener's situation.

3. This pattern can be used as a statement but not as a question.

4. Native Koreans often misspell or mispronounce it as '-(으)ㄹ께요' but it is wrong.

Conjugations & Examples

 Verb Rule Conjugation  Example
 가다 받침 X 갈게요
 일요일에 집에 갈게요.
 I'll go home on Sunday.   
 전화하다 받침 X 전화할게요 제가 나중에 다시 전화할게요.
 I'll call you back later.
 도와주다    받침 X 도와줄게요  제가 도와줄게요.
 I will help you.
 하다 받침 X 할게요 설거지하지 마세요. 제가 할게요.     
 Don't wash the dishes. I'll do it.   
 먹다 받침 O 먹을게요 이거 안 먹어요? 그럼 제가 먹을게요.
 Aren't you going to eat this? Then I'll eat it.   
 팔다 ㄹ 받침 팔게요 5000원에 팔게요.
 I'll sell it for 5,000 won.

-(으)ㄹ게요 VS -(으)ㄹ 거예요

I guess many of you would be confused between -(으)ㄹ게요 and -(으)ㄹ 거예요. They are both future tense but are actually different patterns of grammar.

  -(으)ㄹ게요  -(으)ㄹ 거예요 
 meaning  Future tense with a strong will, 
 promise or commitment 
 Future tense 
 usage ONLY statement statement
 prediction(with ADJ)
 rule VERB + -(으)ㄹ게요  VERB or ADJECTIVE + -(으)ㄹ 거예요  
 notes Only the first person(I) can be
 the subject and there must be
 a listener.
 The subject can be a first, a second
 or a third person. 
 example 제가 설거지할게요. (statement)
 I will wash the dishes.
 제가 설거지할 거예요. (statement)
 I'm going to wash the dishes.

 민수가 설거지할 거예요? (question)
 Is Minsu going to wash the dishes? 


A: 이번 주말에 뭐 해요?
    What are you doing this weekend?

B: 공부할 거예요. 같이 공부할까요? 
    I'm going to study. Shall we study together?

A: 좋아요. 그리고 한국어 숙제 좀 도와줄 수 있어요?
    I'd love to. And could you please help me with the Korean homework?

B: 그럼요, 도와줄게요.
   Sure, I'll help you.

A: 고마워요. 제가 저녁 살게요.
    Thank you. I'll treat you dinner.

B: 좋아요! 


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