#COVID Isolation, Quarantine in Korean
Isolation in Korean is
격리 [Gyeongni]
격리 : [NOUN] isolation, quarantine
격리하다 : [VERB] to isolate
If you are infected with the virus,
you have to put your self into isolation 격리
환자를 다른 사람들로부터 격리하다.
divide the sick from the rest
이 병에 걸린 환자들은 격리시켜야 한다.
Patients with the disease should be isolated.
전염병을 앓는 환자들은 다른 환자들과 격리되었다.
Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from other patients.
감염자가 격리되지 않았기 때문에 전염병이 더욱더 번졌다.
Because the infector was not segregated from the others, the contagious went any further.
Even you test negative for the virus,
if you are exposed to it,
you need self-isolation 자가격리
As 자가(自家) means 'one's own house',
자가격리 means 'isolation in your own house'
During 14 days of 자가격리, your health
will be monitored by the health center.
And you will receive a special care package
full of food, hygiene products and
the instruction for your quarantine days.
2주 간의 자가격리 기간
a two week period of self-quarantine
전염병을 예방하기 위해서는 자가격리가 필요하다.
To prevent infectious disease, self-isolation is necessary.
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